Is your Organization Facing Change Fatigue and/or Employee Burnout?

As an executive coach, and management consultant, I regularly hear about change fatigue and employee burnout. These issues are real, and often take a great toll on people in the organization — and the organization’s ability to be successful.

Here are a couple of tips to help with this:
– Make a list of all of the change initiatives underway in your organization. Postpone those change initiatives that can be postponed. End those that aren’t going anywhere.
– Every time you decide to start a new change initiative, decide what your organization is going to STOP doing to free up resources for the new change initiative.

Today is a great day to get started!

© Dr. Karen Somerville, PhD, C. Dir., MBA, CPA, CGA, CEC – is a scholar-practitioner with more than 25 years of experience in Senior Management. Karen is an expert in Organizational Change, a Chartered Director, a Certified Executive Coach and the President of Performance Plus Group: .